Chapter 1: Arjuna Vishada Yoga

The Yoga of Arjuna’s Dejection Summary: Chapter 1 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled “Arjuna Vishada Yoga” or “The Yoga of Arjuna’s Dejection,” sets the stage for the profound spiritual discourse that follows. This chapter is crucial as...

Chapter 2: Sankhya Yoga

Transcendental Knowledge Summary: Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled “Sankhya Yoga” or “Transcendental Knowledge,” is one of the most significant chapters in the text. It serves as a comprehensive introduction to the core philosophical...

Chapter 3: Karma Yoga

The Yoga of Action Summary: Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled “Karma Yoga” or “The Yoga of Action,” delves into the philosophy of selfless action and its significance in achieving spiritual growth and liberation. This chapter is a...

Chapter 4: Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga

The Yoga of Knowledge and Renunciation of Action in Knowledge Summary: Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled “Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga” or “The Yoga of Knowledge and Renunciation of Action in Knowledge,” delves into the profound relationship...

Chapter 5: Karma Sanyasa Yoga

The Yoga of Renunciation Summary: Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled “Karma Sanyasa Yoga” or “The Yoga of Renunciation,” explores the relationship between renunciation (Sanyasa) and the path of selfless action (Karma Yoga). This chapter...

Chapter 6: Dhyana Yoga

The Yoga of Meditation Summary: Chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled “Dhyana Yoga” or “The Yoga of Meditation,” focuses on the practice of meditation as a means to achieve self-realization and inner peace. This chapter provides detailed...